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Greatest fiction authors presently


I recently read an article by, listing fictional authors with a percentage number next to their name. This was ranking their popularity. I don't know if I agree. Although, I do agree with the first one they listed. If you don't know who it is, you're not really paying attention to the world of books specifically fiction. It's Stephen King. I think he is the master, and his imagination is so beyond other authors it's like he's an alien. You don't have to agree with this, but he does have an imagination like none other. I'll talk about Stephen at the end of this blog in more depth.

The next one they mentioned was John Grisham. Now I like to read his stories but not all of his books capture my attention. I feel like he's kind of preachy. He gets on a soap box and doesn't let up. But again, that's my opinion. If you love him, let me know and why. I'd appreciate it.

J.K. Rowling came in at third. And I have to say she is one of my favorites! I can't tell you how many times I've read the Harry Potter series. They never get old for me. Who doesn't want to wake up one day and discover they have magical abilities? Not only that, but he finds out he has a whole room full of money his parents left him. Yes! He won't have to want for anything anymore! I also really enjoy her Cormoran Strike series. He is just so honest and not at all attractive. But he has a sense of self and wants to be there for his clients. That right there, is sexy!

Number four is James Patterson. I do like him and that's because he is so easy to read! His stories grab you right from start and just keep going. The chapters are short and sweet, so you feel like you've accomplished a lot of reading for the day. If you know what I mean. I did start reading the Women's Murder Club series when it first came out, but only read the first one. There are 24 altogether and I feel like I should read them. But for me, the Alex Cross series is the best. The Alex character is just well described, and you can't help but want to meet him and become his friend.

Now number five is one I've never read. Danielle Steele. I'm not a romance fan, but I have read some. I do know she is highly popular and sells like crazy! Honestly, I had to look her up to see what she's written. Apparently, she's been ranked by others besides as being the number one bestselling author today. I found a few of her bestselling books and thought I share those since I know nothing about her. Summer's End, Kaleidoscope, Zoya, and Message From Nam to name just a small few. If you've read any of these or just love her, please let me know!

Anne Rice really should not come as a surprise to anyone that she made number six on this list. She is very popular! She wrote about the supernatural with romance, sex, and thrilling bits thrown into her stories. Who can forget Lestat the vampire? Interview with the Vampire was the first book I read of hers and got hooked! And then, oh my word, my friends and I discovered the Beauty books. Hot and steamy! I couldn't wait to get my hands on her new releases back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Then to top it off, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are cast in the Interview with the Vampire movie. I'm a fan, but sadly she passed in January of 2022. She'll be missed by millions of fans!

Now we come to one of my very favorite authors, Dean Koontz. Why he's coming in at seven, I'll never understand. He is right up there with King for me. In fact, they have such a rival that they make fun of each other in their books. Naming some of their more ridiculous characters after each other's characters. I've never read a book by Koontz that I didn't love or at least really like. The Odd series was fantastic. The Jane Hawk series is so good I had a hard time finishing them because then they would be over, and I'd feel deflated. He wrote a Frankenstein character that I loved and could not wait for the sequels to come out, which they did but after a long time! Four years between the first one and then the second. But what I truly love about Koontz is his love of dogs. Watchers, the very first book I read by him. It's still one of my all-time favorite books. I could list all of his books and tell you what I liked about them, but this isn't a blog about him. Sadly!

R. L. Stein is number eight. He's books are great to read, and I get a chuckle out of how not scary they are. Please don't misunderstand me, I do like his books a lot, but they don't scare me at all. They make me love his humor and imagination. He also has a way of creating stories that make children want to read. And reading is wonderful as we all know. Mostly Ghostly and Goosebumps were movies made from his books and they were well made. I think! Stein has written over 400 hundred million copies of his books. If you never read him when you were a child, check out one of the his books and see what you missed.

Number nine is Mary Higgins Clark. I'm not surprised. I've read a few of her books and enjoyed them. They're very fast reads and there's always some kind of mystery. She is known for her suspenseful stories. Her books have been made into movies. Fun fact, her author daughter, Carol, has played the main character in some of the movies. The Lottery Winner was my favorite book by her. I also liked; A Stranger is Watching. While I'm not a huge fan, if someone gave me one of her books to read, I would and I'm sure I'd enjoy it. I have to say that I actually like her daughter's (Carol Higgins Clark) books more. I actually name one of my daughters after a character in the Carol Higgins Clark books. I believe that Clark will forever be one of the queens of suspense! She passed in January 2020.

Ten is Toni Morrison. And I will confess, I've never read any of her books. I didn't even know what genre she wrote so I had to look it up. Her style was Black Arts Movement. I see her books everywhere and always say to myself that I'll read her one day. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Beloved that was written in 1987. I'm told by many she was a wonderful storyteller and brought to life what it is/was like living as a black woman within the black community. Unfortunately, she passed in August 2019.

Now to Stephen King! This is by far my very favorite author. It's not necessarily his stories, it's his imagination! His mind must be a wonderful and scary place. I remember the first book I read by him, The Stand. I have now read it at least 50 or more times. It is my all-time go to for favorite book. I know I keep using the word "favorite", but this is my blog and I can't think of a better to describe how I feel about these books and authors. His characters have so much depth and the way he refers to several of them in different books and series has me loving him even more. Although, I will admit, he does not write about my favorite character. That's for another blog/discussion. If you've never given him a chance, do so! He isn't so scary, at least for me, that you won't be able to sleep. He is however, very graphic and can be very gross. He throws in supernatural, scary, friendship, love, religion, and anything else you can think of, you'll find in a Stephen King novel.

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